
Never Do Nothing

By |2021-01-08T20:39:27+00:00September 5th, 2019|Fitness|

 A lot of patients come in wanting to be more active, knowing that they would feel better and have more energy, but struggling to prioritize exercise as a lifestyle. When they do manage to carve out enough time between working, commuting, and family obligations, they don’t have the wherewithal to add one more thing to [...]

REAL Weight Loss & Personal Care

By |2020-01-28T03:00:32+00:00May 23rd, 2019|Nutrition, TIPS|

I frequently get the question “Is there an Acupuncture point to make me lose weight?” As one typically expects of things that are too good to be true... it simply doesn’t exist. I do, however, work with patients looking to lose weight and willing to make little changes that add up to major lifestyle reformations. [...]

Outsmarting Sugar

By |2020-12-11T00:36:31+00:00April 3rd, 2019|Nutrition|

Sugar is deliciously addictive, and absolutely everywhere. It’s lovingly interwoven into our celebrations, holidays, and after school snacks. I remember being appalled to hear that my daughter and her entire second grade class were given candies by the teacher every morning before standardized testing to “help those brains work.” These kids were being fed more [...]


By |2020-01-28T02:54:50+00:00March 28th, 2019|Women’s Health|

Chinese Medicine has been addressing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome for over a thousand years. Written texts as far back as the 1200’s distinguish multiple causes of PCOS, and establish connections between it and insulin resistance, adrenal exhaustion, and hormone imbalance. It’s very much a root vs. branch situation, where the branches represent the symptoms: lack of ovulation, [...]

The HOW of Eating

By |2020-01-28T02:54:12+00:00March 21st, 2019|Nutrition|

One of the most challenging recommendations for my patients, is to simplify their routines. This comes up in a big way with eating habits which can be chaotic and damaging to many areas of the body. Eating is such a simple task, and it’s best left that way. As children, most of us learn about healthy [...]

Spring at last!

By |2020-01-28T02:52:26+00:00March 14th, 2019|Living Seasonally|

We’re a week away from the vernal equinox and Southern California is bathed in painted lady butterflies feasting on an abundance of hollyhock and cheeseweed that sprang up from heavy rains this winter. Spring is the time for new beginnings and shedding of old layers, as plants and animals ascend out of the dormant internal [...]